This action takes an XY Data Set created by the Build XY Data Set action and produces a plot as the output. This plot can be fed to the Build Chart action to create a completed chart. A chart is different than a plot because the chart adds borders, titles, and sub-titles around the plot.

Build XY Plot: Axis Tab

  • Field

  • Label

    A label to identify the action. This label appears under the Action name inside the Action box. If this field is left blank, the default value is “Untitled.”
  • Description

    A brief explanation of what this action does inside the sequence. This description appears as a tooltip when your cursor hovers over the Action box.
  • Fail Message

    A message that identifies potential issues that could happen with this action. This fail message will appear if the action fails when you try generating the sequence. If this field is left blank, the default error message built into the action appears.
  • Axis Tab: Creating an Axis data set
  • Axis Category Type

    Select either domain or range for the axis category type.
  • Axis Label

    The title of the chart.
  • Axis Location Type
    Select where the title will appear on the chart.
  • Axis Type
    Select how the data will appear in the graph.
  • Dataset Index
    The index number that appears for the data set.

Build XY Plot: Renderers Tab

  • Field

  • Renderers Tab: Choose to type of graph
  • Dataset Index

    The index number that appears for the data set.
  • Renderer Type

    Select a renderer type for the graph.
  • Series Attrs
    Choose the formatting for the graph, such as color, dash type, and stroke width.