successes with GuildOne and Royalty Studio
successes with GuildOne and Royalty Studio

Extensive Manual Processes Automated
Data Integrity & Accessibility Improved
Net Royalty % & Interests Validated
The Client
PrairieSky Royalty Ltd.
“Having all pertinent data in one place allows us to easily filter, sort, and analyze our assets based on various types of well and royalty interest information, like never before.”
By using Royalty Studio, PrairieSky is now able to update its information more efficiently and eliminate data inconsistencies and errors.
PrairieSky & GuildOne
In 2010, Range Royalty commissioned GuildOne to develop an accounting software application to reconcile royalty income received in relation to publicly reported production volumes.
The Challenge
Managing Royalty Assets to Achieve Royalty Revenue Completeness
“This well and the related land interest and production data is crucial, as we use it as a base to book reserves and accruals as well as build our budget,” says Radomski.
The Solution

Asset Identification
- Asset Identification
- Actuals Validation
- Accruals Computation
- Income Compliance
“We are also now able to extract all applicable well and royalty interest details from Royalty Studio at a well level in an effective and efficient manner for over 36,000 producing wells”
Asset Identification Success
Extensive Manual Processes Automated
Royalty Studio’s Asset Identification process has automated the identification and validation of wells intersecting land interests, significantly reducing the manual effort previously required to do so, and reducing errors associated with these manual processes. Tasks, including, but not limited to, checking well data sources for the producing zone and then searching land records for related leases, petroleum and natural gas rights held, and royalty interest information, are now entirely managed by Royalty Studio. “We are also now able to extract all applicable well and royalty interest details from Royalty Studio to upload into ValNav for reserves reporting and budgeting at a well level in an effective and efficient manner for over 36,000 producing wells,” says Radomski.
Data Integrity and Accessibility
Up-to-date data related to interests in wells and units is centrally stored and readily available to all departments in the organization, eliminating the need for a manual data collection and internal communication process. Radomski attests, “this enables our staff to improve the timeliness and accuracy of corporate reporting, production forecasting, and accrual estimates, and expedite recovery of owed royalty revenue. In addition, having all pertinent data in one place allows us to easily filter, sort, and analyze our assets based on various types of well and royalty interest information, like never before.”
Net Royalty Percentage and Interests Determined
Royalty interest data is now extracted from the land system and amalgamated from multiple lease record sources to quickly locate and view the net rolled-up royalty percentage in every well and unit. “All lessor and gross overriding royalty data is summarized at the well view in Royalty Studio to reflect exactly what PrairieSky’s net royalty interest is. Similar functionality also consolidated all unit tract interest details from related mineral lease records to provide an overview of the total net unit royalty interests for accrual and budgeting purposes,” says Radomski.
The GuildOne Team
“GuildOne was diligent in managing time and cost considerations within scope and estimates provided.”
About GuildOne
Connecting business to data
GuildOne Inc. is a leading provider of innovative technology solutions that help organizations better understand and use data to enhance business performance. Solutions are designed to transform complex data from various systems into valuable information assets, which are delivered through reports that are easily understood, shared, and exploited. Integrated solutions include software and services, enabling rganizations to acquire a clearer understanding of operations, make more informed business decisions, identify gaps and streamline business processes, recover lost revenue, yield better bottom line results and achieve compliance.
Suite 940 – 333 5th Ave SW
Calgary, AB, Canada
T2P 3B6
1 888 796 4249
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